Business Wire

Statement from CUPE on Pierre Poilievre Winning Conservative Party Leadership

VANCOUVER, British Columbia–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Statement from Mark Hancock, National President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), on Pierre Poilievre winning the Conservative Party leadership:

“It’s too bad that, unlike Andrew Scheer, Pierre Poilievre does not hold American citizenship, because he would be right at home as Governor of a state like Alabama.

Pierre is a career politician who has been collecting a six-figure salary on the public’s dime since he was 24, and he’s spent every minute of his time in office fighting against fair wages, good pensions and a better life for working people. He is not a worker, and he definitely doesn’t get what it means to be a member of the working class.

Pierre has spent his leadership campaign making the Conservative Party a cozier place for far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists in order to sell memberships. This isn’t your parents’ Conservative Party, or even Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party. It’s now Pierre’s Convoy Party of Canada.

His leadership will be a disaster for working people in Canada.”

CUPE is Canada’s largest union, representing over 700,000 workers nationwide.


Hugh Pouliot

[email protected]
613 818-0067

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