United States

Quick hits: Illinois news in brief for Monday, Oct. 25, 2021

Republicans raise concerns about vaccine mandate for day cares

Republican women in the Illinois Senate say the governor’s most recent executive order for day care workers at the state’s licensed daycares to be vaccinated or tested regularly for COVID-19 will further exacerbate care shortages, making it difficult for parents to get back to work.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued the mandate for full vaccination by Jan. 3.

The GOP women say the move is shortsighted and will diminish the already limited and sparse availability.

Democrats release new legislative maps

Illinois statehouse Democrats revealed a new proposed map for the state’s congressional districts.

The previous proposed map pitted some Republicans against each other.

The new proposed map changes the boundaries pitting other Republicans against each other.

The GOP says the map is still gerrymandered.

It’s expected maps will be approved along party lines later this week.

Lawmakers set to return Tuesday

State legislators return to Springfield for the final three days of the scheduled session for the year.

While new congressional maps are expected, it’s also possible legislators could repeal parental notification of abortion.

Other issues could also surface before the end of the session Thursday.

Pritzker announces vaccine mandate for 55,000 day care workers

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced a new executive order Friday that requires people who work in licensed day care centers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to weekly testing.

Workers at the state’s 2,872 licensed day care facilities – an estimated 55,000 people – must get vaccinated or be tested for COVID-19 at least once a week, according to the governor’s directive.

COVID-19 cases fall in Illinois

There were around 540 fewer positive COVID-19 cases across the entire state all of last week than the week before for a total of 15,131.

That’s half what it was at the beginning of September.

The Illinois Department of Public Health reports the positivity rate statewide last week was 2%, down two-tenths of a percent from the week before.

Chicago again holds title for most rats

Chicago has claimed the top spot again on a list that no city wants to be on.

According to Orkin’s annual survey, for the seventh straight year, the Windy City has been named the “rattiest city” in the country.

Los Angeles, New York, Washington D.C. and San Francisco round out the top five.

Orkin rates cities by the number of new rodent treatments it performs each year.

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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