United States

Proposed Wyoming legislation would establish road usage charge

(The Center Square) – Wyoming motorists face paying a road usage charge is a bill pending in the state legislature were to become law.

House Bill 37 would allow the use ofa vehicle mileage metering system to accurately track the number of miles driven on certain Wyoming highways and charge vehicle owners per mile. Drivers also would have the option of paying a flat fee.

Officials estimate the road usage charge would raise more than $136 million in revenue annually for the state. If approved, the road usage charges eventually would replace motor vehicle gas taxes.

“As revenue from fuel taxes continues to decline based upon increased vehicle fuel mileage and conversion to electric vehicle technology, it is intended that the pay by mile system may eventually replace fuel taxes and be the main funding mechanism to ensure a safe and effective surface transportation system in Wyoming,” the proposed legislation states.

Out of state vehicles also would be charged per mile under a system adopted by the Wyoming Department of Transportation.

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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