United States

Poll: Biden’s approval rating falls again, particularly among Hispanics

(The Center Square) – A majority of Hispanic voters disapprove of the job President Joe Biden is doing, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac University.

The polling of 1,586 adults was conducted May 12-16.

Asked “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?”, 60% of Hispanic voters said the disapproved, 26% said they approved and 13% didn’t know or didn’t provide a response.

The latest poll was released just days before the Biden administration’s scheduled ending of Title 42 enforcement next week. Title 42 is a health care authority implemented under President Donald Trump during the pandemic that allowed border agents to quickly expel illegal immigrants to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Illegal immigration has surged under President Joe Biden as he implemented more open border policies. Last month alone, more than 234,000 people entering the U.S. illegally were apprehended, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data released Tuesday show, the most in a single month in U.S. history. Border observers are concerned that once Title 42 ends, illegal border crossings will surge even further.

Overall, Biden’s approval rating slipped to 35%, with 57% of all voters disapproving. In Quinnipiac’s previous national poll released in April, Biden received a negative 38% to 52% job approval rating with 10% not having an opinion.

When asked if they approved/disapproved strongly or somewhat, 46% of all voters said they disapproved strongly while just 17% said the approved strongly. Among Hispanics, 43% disapproved strongly to jusy 10% approving strongly.

The poll has a margin of error of 2.5%.

In addition to his immigration policies, Biden has faced steep criticism over record high gas prices and 40-year high inflation, which has led to significant increases in the price of food and other consumer products.

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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