Business Wire

On the Sidelines of the US-Africa Leaders Summit, the Head of State, His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou-Nguesso, Is Working to Advance Several Strategic Issues for the Republic of Congo

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The President of the Republic of Congo and Head of State, His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou-Nguesso, is currently in Washington, at the invitation of US President Joe Biden, in the framework of the US-Africa Leaders Summit organized by the White House.

This working visit is part of a broader context dedicated to strengthening bilateral relations between Congo and the United States, finalizing an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as defending African interests on several important issues such as the resolution of the Libyan crisis.

Five years after his last official visit to the United States, the President of the Republic of Congo, supported by his closest advisers as well as eight ministers, will remain in the American capital until December 16. The official visit should allow the Congolese delegation to take part in the high-level strategic discussions scheduled during the Summit from December 13 to 15, thus strengthening the quality of bilateral relations between Congo and the United States.

This visit also aims to advance the Congo on several strategic issues. Among them, the second review of the extended credit facility agreement by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was drawn up during the visit of its representatives to Brazzaville at the beginning of December.

On this subject, the President of the Republic met yesterday, Monday, December 12, Ms. Kristalina Georgiva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, as well as Ms. Pritha Mitra, Head of Mission for the Republic of Congo and Deputy Head of Division in the Africa Department, in order to discuss this agreement, which must still be submitted for approval by the IMF’s board of directors. The Bretton Woods institution also recalled that the Congolese economy was in full recovery, despite a difficult macroeconomic context, with growth of nearly 2.8% in 2022 and a high rate of recovery of oil and non-petroleum investments. oil (infrastructure, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, services, etc.).

His Excellency Denis Sassou-Nguesso, President of the Republic and Head of State declared: This agreement demonstrates not only the viability of our economy, but also Congo’s capacity for diplomatic projection. We would like to emphasize the excellent relations that we maintain with the IMF, and thank it for its diligence in favor of effective collaboration between our services.

The Congolese Head of State will also take the floor on Thursday, December 15 to detail the major axes of the Congo’s cooperation policy vis-à-vis its American partner, in a context of reconfiguration of the diplomatic landscape in Africa. Accompanied by his Minister of State in charge of Trade, Supply and Consumption, Mr. Claude Alphonse Nsilou, the President of the Republic will discuss the main orientations of Congo’s trade policy vis-à-vis the United States and will give its position on the renewal of AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act).

In addition, he will grant an interview to Mrs. Linda Greenfield Thomas, Ambassador of the United States to the United Nations, in order to discuss the strengthening of ties and relations between these two countries. Finally, the Head of State will continue his advocacy in favor of the Blue Fund for the Congo Basin, with at his side Mrs. Arlette Soudan-Nonault, Minister of the Environment, Sustainable Development and the Congo Basin. The challenge will be to present this initiative which aims to preserve the Congo Basin, the second lung of the planet, but also to raise awareness of the urgency of acting for the environment in the region.

At the dawn of this intense week on the diplomatic level, His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou-Nguesso, President of the Republic and Head of State concluded: Among the first African countries to have established diplomatic relations with the United States , the Congo today reiterates its commitment to bilateral cooperation with its American partner, also playing its role as a driving force in the international concert. We thank the American State for its invitation and wish all of our peers an excellent Summit.

The visit of the President of the Congolese Republic to the United States will continue with a meeting with the Libyan delegation, since in his capacity as Chairman of the African Union’s high-level committee on Libya, HE Mr. Denis Sassou-Nguesso works for dialogue and reconciliation between the two factions – in the context of the fight against terrorism in North Africa.


Mr. Arcène Niamba, Communication Department – Presidency of the Republic of Congo

[email protected]

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