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NAACP leader: Help for mental health ‘right around the corner’

(The Center Square) — Preliminary data from the Illinois Department of Public Health shows an increase in the number of suicides for certain segments of the state’s population.

While overall suicides for the first three quarters of 2020 compared to the prior three-year average are down, there was an increase of 27.7% in the number of suicides in Black people and 6.3% increase in Hispanic populations.

NAACP Illinois Conference President Teresa Haley told WMAY there’s real disparity and stigma in the Black community when it comes to health care, including mental health.

“We don’t have Black professionals, people who look like us, who we feel comfortable talking about and being open and honest, but I’m asking anyone who’s suffering from mental health issues to go get help,” Haley said.

“Help is just right around the corner,” she said. “You may not like the person that you’re talking to but that person took an oath to take care of your physical and your mental health, so please go and get help.”

Meanwhile IDPH preliminary data showed an increase in the number of suicides for the elderly, up 2.8%, and up 7.4% for young adults in Illinois.

The mother of one eighteen-year-old who committed suicide in October is suing Gov. J.B. Pritzker, saying the governor’s orders blocking youth sports and other activities are a proximate cause to her child’s death.

Attorney Laura Grochocki represents Trevor Till’s mother Lisa Moore. She told Fox News this week the case is about equal protection because the governor ordered youth sports canceled while allowing college and pro sports. She said the orders hurt Illinois’ youth.

“It’s not just Trevor Till but it’s at least ten other cases in Illinois that I’m aware of kids committing suicide and eating disorders and hospitalization over depression,” she said.

The governor had previously said college and pro sports had the means for COVID-19 testing while K-12 schools didn’t have such capabilities.

That case is pending in LaSalle County after a Sangamon County Judge denied a change of jurisdiction, saying the governor seemed to be shopping for a judge.

One dataset IDPH does not track is attempted suicides. While numbers for 2020 weren’t immediately available, the NIMH reports in 2019 nationwide, 12.0 million adults aged 18 or older reported having serious thoughts of suicide, and 1.4 million adults attempted suicide during the past year.

The toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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