
Is mindfulness an effective treatment for depression?

The Definition of Mindfulness

Mindfulness, It’s a pretty straightforward word. 

But the simplest definition of mindfulness is paying attention to living life in the present moment. Which involves finding the thoughts and emotions from moment to moment without judging them as good or bad or becoming seized up in them. A mind full of thoughts and ideas is called happy minds. 

Mindfulness is the basic human magical power to fully exist in the present, and be aware of where you are and what you are doing, not about the past and the past incidence, or overthinking about what’s going on around you. Words and thoughts play a very important role to inspire you. Always be happy even when you have little happiness. Always invest your mind in those things which make you feel divine and satisfactory. Mindfulness is a quality that every human being already possesses, it’s not something you have to dream, you just have to learn how to access it. You just have to do things that make your mind feel happy and joyful. 

Generally, mindfulness have two main keys:

  • Awareness 
  • Acceptance.

Awareness is the knowledge and ability to focus on what is happening around you, you should be aware of the things which are taking place near you. You should experience the present moment, the present situation you are in.

Acceptance is the ability to observe and accept that situation. You should accept the things happening around you rather than judging or avoiding them because you are not interested in those things. You should have an attitude of acceptance for many of the things, which  can give you satisfaction with the things around you.

What Is The Purpose Of  Mindfulness?

The goal of mindfulness is to give a better perspective on morality and identity that you can have a greater sense of what is right and what is wrong and relationally. Mindfulness may also be used to think positively and in a good direction. The people who are having the habit of this mindfulness can never face any type of depression, stress, or pain. They just simply become more relaxed. So it is very important to be mindful of thoughts or ideas which make you an active person. To overcome the anxiety problems you have to make your mind an active mind, always think good in every situation. Always accept things as they are, because sometimes the things stay perfect as they are.

change your focus, to the thoughts and emotions that you’re experiencing. Allow each thought to exist without judging it or think negatively about it.

What Do You Understand By Depression?

The person who is not enjoying the little madness of life, which is least interested in doing activities, which does not find anything interesting, which always makes an excuse for not doing anything and always is in a low mood, loses interest in all the enjoyable activities is known to suffer from (MDD) major depressive disorder.

Some people have stages of depression detached by years, while others are close to have symptoms present. Major depression is more severe and lasts longer than sadness, which is a normal part of human life.

You may face some trouble doing normal, frequent activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn’t worth living.

This major depressive disorder(MDD), can not only affect adults or children, they also highly affect teenagers. In teens, symptoms may include sadness, feeling negative and worthless, anger, poor performance or poor attendance at school, feeling misunderstood and extremely sensitive, eating or sleeping too much, losing their interest in common acts and things, and avoiding social interaction.

There are various types of Teen Mental Health Treatment, to get rid of this depression.

How Mindfulness Can Help Depression?

Firstly you have to talk openly about this mental illness with your kids. If your teen is facing a problem with a mental health disorder, you should talk to them openly and frankly about their depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Which reduces the stigma of silence around these issues and lets your child know that it is not a big issue or a deal to speak up about what they’re going through. You have to make them comfortable about this talk by which they can share things with you.

Secondly, you have to be supportive of your teen’s problems. If you start judging them and start scolding them for what they are thinking and doing, they will get frightened and will not disclose their thoughts and feelings to you. Always use good language and positive body language in front of teens who are suffering from a mental disorder.

Some teens face the problem of lack of sleep, they can’t sleep properly at night they get bad night terrors, which is also known as insomnia, so in this case, you should consult your doctor and get some medication treatment for proper and healthy sleep.

The best therapy is family therapy, while living with your family members and with your loved ones you automatically start feeling good and healthy. Start talking with your family members and friends, spend your time playing with them, watching tv, walking, cooking, etc. listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite movies, play your favorite games can highly help you to get out of the depression.

Meditation is also one of the best treatments in the world of depression, while doing meditation lots of your anxiety stress can go or reduce easily. So in teenagers, this therapy can help them to get rid of depression smoothly and easily. They can go for a walk. They can meditate once a day for 30 to 60 minutes, which can reduce the stress level and make them feel happy and light.


As we know that in the present situation of covid-19 people are sitting in the home itself, however, it is very difficult to face this problem of anxiety and depression, especially for teenagers. So there are some treatments discussed in the above article, which can help your teen to get out of depression and how to live a healthy and meaningful life.

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