
How to do well in the IB Economics Exams?

IB Economics is a fun subject for some and difficult for others. Let me tell how you can prepare well for your exams in this post. 

Plan your IB Economics paper beforehand 


Keep in mind to structure your paper after reading. Give a five to seven minute read to your whole paper. Read your question paper twice, then plan out things like which question you are going to attempt. After planning that, structure out your answer in a proper format, first write the introductory part, then the main content and never forget to add a conclusion and your comments or critical evaluation.

Key words

Try to use keywords in your answers, avoid using general terms, and write more economic terms. Try to include the evidence if possible, never miss on a graph. Graphical representation is the best way to explain a theory in economics. Explanation to the graph is a must, this will complete your observations.

Manage your time

Manage your time efficiently. Utilize full reading time. Do not rush for solving paper.

  1. First read your whole question paper once or twice. Decide upon the questions you want to solve and then start writing. While answering keep a track on time, keep in your mind and manage time according to number of questions needed to be attempted.
  2. Do not spend too much of time on one question. If you could not find solution to any question then don’t stuck upon that, solve other questions first and you can solve that question in the last.
  3. Do not panic, because it will increase stress level and you won’t be able to concentrate on your question paper and there are high chances of your missing few questions and errors.

Subject Matter 

You must know your subject matter or syllabus very well. Although IBs are very specific about their writing styles and content but their syllabus is very limited and well defined. They usually ask you what they have mentioned in your syllabus. If you have read your syllabus with all of your efforts, there are high chances of your scoring a good point.

If you know your syllabus you can also ask your teacher and they usually predict questions which are likely to be asked in examination. Do not rely only in your teacher’s prediction. They only can tell you the questions which have high probability or are asked in past year question papers, repeatedly.

Be descriptive

Never write your answer assuming your reviewer knows economics or is aware of terms, theories, and concepts. It is always suggested that write and explain definitions and theories in a proper manner. This will put good impact of your answer sheet and will also help you to score.

For example, if you are asked question related to price elasticity of demand.

  • Then first explain the price elasticity of demand, start with the definition and concept of PED.
  • Further engage in answering the question asked. Keep in mind that you need to give a brief about terms and concept. Do not write whole set of thoughts related to topic.
  • Avoid writing each and every thing you know about the topic. This way you will miss out the main content which has been asked to you and you will even miss the track of your time and you won’t be able to finish your question paper timely.

Practice and more practice

Very well said, Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing past year question papers repeatedly will help you manage your time efficiently in examination and you will also be able to point out your weaker portions before final examination.

Be critical while evaluating your practice sheets, or either get them reviewed by your teachers. They can help you in better understanding and they will give you an unbiased feedback. Stick to the checking pattern defined by IB. don’t be liberal, analyze your mistakes critically and unbiasedly. You might not perform very well in your first try but never lose hope and try again.

Writing Style

You might be using some acronyms while writing your notes, which is perfectly fine. But you must avoid such things while writing in examination. Use different pens to highlight points

  • Write your answer in a structured manner.
  • Start with introductory part which includes explanation of key terms, their definitions.
  • Further answer the question asked.
  • Then include conclusion and remarks or arguments. You can also include critical evaluation of the concept. Few published pieces of critical evaluation, by reputed journals will be highly appreciated.
  • Also, include diagrams wherever necessary. Diagram must be neat and clearly labelled.
  • Explain your theories with the help of relevant examples. And include economic terms in your answer, using economic terms will be marked relatively high than usage of general terms.

These few points, if kept in mind, will definitely help you excel your IB Economics paper.

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