
CODEX Announces the Launch of its Quarterly Data and Analytics Journal – STEWARD

CODEX, a strategic engagement platform for Chief Data and Analytics officers, announced on August 24, 2021, the launch of a quarterly journal, STEWARD. The magazine captures and collates the voice of global influencers in the field of data, enabling proficiency for readers in data culture, leadership, and literacy.

STEWARD magazine captures and collates the voice of global influencers in the field of data

The August 2021 issue of STEWARD will feature the likes of Minna Karha, ex-Data and Analytics Lead, Finnair, Finland’s largest airline; Shilpam Pandey, Enterprise Data Program Leader at M&T Bank; and Jane Croft, Founder, Data To The People, among others.

“Data leadership nurtures the culture of data experience. More than the technologists, they are the agents of change and transformation,” said Saurabh Gupta, a Harvard alumnus and Founder, CODEX, in the editorial. When it is predicted, according to Gartner, that by 2023, more than 33% of large organizations will have analysts practicing decision intelligence, including decision modeling, the role of data grows now more than ever.

“This quarterly issue from CODEX will draw the limelight towards everything “data“. Right from data-driven culture – to data-enabled leadership, this journal will bring insights from data and analytics leaders across different verticals and nations,” he added.

“A successful data culture means all decisions are based on intelligent facts, data is consciously and continuously generated to enable these facts to be formed, and everyone can be heard and understood through common language,” said Minna Karha, in her opinion piece, “Good Data Culture – what is it in practice.”

This issue emphasizes upon the role of Data Leadership in the transformational journeys, and how they are driving the bandwagon of change across organizations’ entire operational structure. And bringing in voices of data culture from different continents on one platform.

“The pandemic has unleashed an unplanned stress test that requires companies to pivot based on data. It was a catalyzing event that forced and highlighted the need for data-driven decision making,” said the industry spotlight, Shilpam Pandey.

The CODEX Quarterly Issue – STEWARD, can be downloaded from here:

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