
CellStrat announces new platform launches with Quantum Computing and AI API marketplace

Quantum Computing

Wilmington, Delaware Feb 23, 2022 ( – CellStrat, a leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) Startup based in USA and India and a YourStory Tech50-2021 winner, has launched Quantum Computing Project Pack and AI API Marketplace on its world-class AI platform CellStrat Hub (

CellStrat Hub is a leading AI development platform hosted on the Cloud and is used by more than 13000 global developers, 35+ universities, and several enterprises for accelerated AI skilling and development. It comes bundled with more than 150+ projects in various areas like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Graph Neural Networks, etc.

CellStrat has launched new Projects packs on this platform including the new Quantum Computing pack. As per CellStrat Co-founder Vivek Singhal, “this pack will accelerate the Quantum learning journey for scores of global developers as well as help in creating a growing workforce in this cutting-edge new technology.”

Quantum Computing is set to change the world with ultra-fast scientific computation. It refers to a type of computation that harnesses the properties of quantum mechanics to perform calculations. It can be used for ultra-fast AI training on massively large-scale datasets, among other uses.

Other project packs recently launched on the CellStrat Hub platform include AI for Driverless Cars, Audio AI, Open AI, etc.

In addition to a growing AI projects portfolio, CellStrat has launched an innovative AI API marketplace that enables the use of Artificial Intelligence services by millions of global developers using the “AI-as-a-Service” concept. Some of these AI APIs include Image Classifier, Sentiment Analysis for Text, Automatic Question-Answer model, etc.

“We will remain on the cutting-edge of emerging technology whether it is AI, Quantum or anything else, and enable millions of global developers easily learn and deploy these technologies”, as per Vivek Singhal.

Today, CellStrat is a leading AI platform startup serving the global developer community with cutting-edge AI Developer Tools and APIs.


Quantum ComputingAPI Marketplace

Media Contact

Vishal Singhal

[email protected]

2055 Limestone Rd, STE 200-C Wilmington, DE 19808

Source :CellStrat

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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