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Capitrade IDO Launchpad Deploys $CDE Tokens on Fantom Blockchain

London, UK, Feb. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Capitrade Launchpad is a decentralized Initial DEX Offering (IDO) platform built on the Terra and Fantom blockchain network.  It provides an efficient and secure method of investing in the rapidly growing number of blockchain projects.  CDE Token Seed Sale is currently active, visit capitrade Token sale page to participate https://capitrade.cc/sale/

About Capitrade Launchpad

Capitrade Launchpad enables users to participate in pre-sales and early liquidity farming for blockchain projects using one easy-to-use interface. The launchpad will also vet each project’s code thoroughly, ensuring each project is secure, scalable and achieves the founders’ objectives.

Specifically, early-stage investors using Capitrade Launchpad will encounter a five tier based system, which functions as the platform for participating in IDO launches. The tier-based system allows users to access new projects IDOs by staking their $CDE tokens. The more $CDE a user stakes, the higher their chances of gaining pre-sale access to a launch pool.

Capitrade Tier System:                                 

Tier 1 – Minimum Stake: 1,000 CDE Tokens – Maximum Stake: 5,000 CDE Tokens

Tier 2 – Minimum Stake: 5,000 CDE Tokens – Maximum Stake: 20,000 CDE Tokens

Tier 3 – Minimum Stake: 20,000 CDE Tokens – Maximum Stake: 100,000 CDE Tokens

Tier 4 – Minimum Stake: 100,000 CDE Tokens – Maximum Stake: 500,000 CDE Tokens

Tier 5 – Minimum Stake: 500,000 CDE Tokens – Maximum Stake: 2,000,000 CDE Tokens

With all projects vetted via the air-tight Capitrade submission process, IDOs launched on Capitrade Launchpad remain secure for all interested investors. Capitrade never handles any funds so as to ensure the most decentralized approach possible is used. Moreover, Capitrade Launchpad guarantees projects subscribing to the platform remain a trustless and decentralized process.

Finally, when a project undertakes an IDO using Capitrade Launchpad, the platform requires them to lock between 30% and 75% of the offered liquidity for a pre-specified period of time. In effect, this guarantees IDO hosts cannot run away with those funds for that specified period of time.

Capitrade Launchpad is Steering the Blockchain Network

Indeed, Capitrade Launchpad has already seen its first pre-IDO success. The year has been packed with development objectives. In Q1 2022, the team accomplished their goal of completing the initial $CDE private sale, smart contract completion/testing, and IDO project onboarding. These milestones set the stage for their Q2 and Q3 roadmap developments.

In the following quarter, $CDE staking, LP staking (30% APY), marketing, and the first planned IDO Launch are set for liftoff. To seal the future of Capitrade Launchpad and its establishment. Q4 will see fully audited smart contracts, insurance-backed contracts, and a baking service IDO funding pool.

CDE Token Seed Sale 

CDE Token is available for purchase on Capitrade Seed Sale portal https://capitrade.cc/sale/

Terra Network and Fantom Network users can participate in Capitrade on going Seed sale event using Luna coin or FTM coin

Further Info:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/capitrade_cc

Telegram: https://t.me/capitradeventure

Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076714055836

Medium: https://capitrade.medium.com/

Crunchbase: www.crunchbase.com/organization/3f82b77d-9fc8-4015-8dde-cad4c2b58820

Founder: Eric James https://www.crunchbase.com/person/eric-james-c776

CONTACT: Media Details Company Name: CapiTrade Ventures Contact Name: Eric James Email: support -at- capitrade.cc Website: https://capitrade.cc/ 

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The GlobeNewswire

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