
6 Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

6 Key Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia, or CML, is a type of cancer that originates in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow and invades the blood, affecting over 1.2 to 1.5 million people worldwide.[1]

In the recent years, India has seen a notable rise in CML cases, with patients typically diagnosed between 30-40 years old.[2]

CML is often referred to as a ‘good cancer’ due to its manageable nature through appropriate treatment and regular monitoring of BCR-ABL levels. However, it is crucial to recognize that as CML progresses, it can present challenges that require informed decisions and proactive management strategies.

Dr. Sachin Jadhav, Chairman, International Hematology Consortium, “In my experience I have witnessed over 100 patients from 14 to 70 years old, who have been diagnosed with blood cancer. Despite the challenges, many patients with CML lead fulfilling lives, especially when diagnosed in the chronic phase where the disease is more manageable. However, it’s essential to remain vigilant and proactive in managing CML, as untreated chronic phase CML can progress within a few years. Monitoring your BCR-ABL levels regularly and adhering to treatment goals are key in ensuring the effectiveness of your treatment and preventing disease progression.”

Dr. K S Nataraj, Senior Haematologist and Haemato-Oncologist, HCG Comprehensive Cancer Care Hospital, Bangalore, says “In my practice, I see about 10-15 new patients being diagnosed with CML every month. Regularly monitoring BCR-ABL levels not only aids in treatment efficacy but also empowers patients to stay proactive in their journey. Monitoring also enables one to personalise treatments, and prevent failures and deaths. Additionally, counselling plays a crucial role in helping patients cope with the emotional and psychological challenges of living with a chronic illness. Furthermore, discussing advances in therapies with your doctor can help you understand the treatment journey and achieve a better quality of life.”

When it comes to your treatment journey remember no question is big or small: Here are six important questions to discuss with your doctor to ensure you receive the best care.

  1. “What stage is my CML at, and what does that mean?”

Understanding the stage of your CML plays an important role in determining the appropriate treatment strategy. CML progresses through stages, each with distinct symptoms and prognoses. Knowing your current stage helps tailor your treatment plan and prepares you for potential changes in your condition.

  1. “What treatment options are available, and what are the potential side effects of each?”

It is essential to alter your treatment plan basis your body’s needs. CML treatment has advanced significantly, with several effective options available. The most common treatments include tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), chemotherapy, and stem cell transplantation for advanced cases. It is important to evaluate common side effects associated with each treatment, as well as risks like heart problems or reduced immune [3]function. This information will help make informed decisions based on your health priorities and needs.

  1. “How will my CML be monitored to assess treatment response?”

 Regular monitoring of BCR-ABL levels according to ELN guidelines is essential in managing CML. Understanding the monitoring process is important as it serves as a assistance to track the treatment efficacy and identify any changes in your condition at an early stage. This will help to make necessary adjustments in the treatment plan.

  1. “What are the long-term implications post-treatment?”

Discuss the potential long-term effects of CML and its treatments with your treating physician/ doctor. Address considerations for your emotional well-being, lifestyle adjustments, and support services available to help you cope with the challenges post-treatment. Knowing what to do next can help you plan effectively for the future.

  1. “Will the recommended treatment improve my quality of life?”

Consider how each treatment option may impact your daily activities, work, and relationships. Evaluate whether treatments offer better quality of life by reducing hospital visits, minimizing side effects, and supporting overall well-being during and after treatment.

  1. “Are there supportive care services available to address emotional and physical challenges?”

Explore available supportive care services, such as nutritional counselling, mental health services, or support groups. These services can provide valuable support and resources to help you cope with the disease and improve overall quality of life.

Remember that every patient’s treatment journey is a different experience as CML is different for everyone. By asking these questions to your doctor, you can actively participate in your CML treatment journey and work towards achieving better health outcomes.

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