
4 Ways to Consume Protein Powder Regularly on a Daily Basis

Getting enough protein is vital to ensure your body stays healthy. Protein is essential for repairing muscles, producing healthy tissues, and assuring you’ve got healthy skin, hair, and nails. It can also help manage your unhealthy cravings and regulate your blood sugar level. However, it may be impossible to get the nutrients you need for the day with your hectic schedule. Thus, it would help to take protein supplements to ensure you are on the right track.

If you work out, you need protein powder even more, to rev up your metabolism before your routine. It can also give you extra endurance to finish the workout. Best of all, it can help with post-workout recovery since it helps feed your muscles and hasten to heal. If you are looking for ways to increase your protein intake, consider a flavorful powder. A scoop is very versatile, allowing you to incorporate it seamlessly into your diet. Check out the following examples below so you can get protein in a variety of ways.

Shake Things Up

It is effortless to ditch breakfast when you’re in a rush to work. However, breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason. It breaks your nighttime fast and provides the calories you need to jump-start your day. For a quick breakfast, take a shaker bottle and fill it with coconut water, soy or almond milk, and ice cubes. Next, put in two scoops of vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry protein powder. Finally, secure the lid and give it a shake. En voila! You’ve got a very healthy meal to start your day on the right track. You can even prepare it the night before to ensure you don’t find excuses to skip breakfast. Alternatively, you can pack it along with you, so you’ve got a nutritious snack mid-day.

Blend a Delish Smoothie Drink or Bowl

If you have a little bit more time, you can take your trusty blender and make delicious smoothies. Instead of putting the finished product in a glass, like you normally do, you can make a beautiful smoothie bowl and top it up with sliced bananas, granola, cacao nibs, and chia seeds. All you need is a scoop of powder, ice, bananas, and a splash of low-fat milk. You can experiment with an assortment of fruits in your base. You can even try a chocolate mint smoothie with avocados if you have a choco craving.

Mix With a Bowl of Oatmeal

Are you looking for a way to amplify up your oatmeal? Oatmeal is healthy and delicious as it is. It is loaded with fibre, so it will help regulate your stomach and bowels. Moreover, since it is packed with fibre, it will help you stay full longer. To amplify your oatmeal, you can add a scoop of your favourite protein powder. It will add a rich flavour to your bowl. But, most of all, it provides you with that protein component to help you tackle whatever goes your way.

Try Adding It With Coffee

If you are a coffeeholic, you can try adding a scoop of protein powder to your hot cup of java.  You can see yourself transforming into a vibrant and robust version.  Alternatively, you can make it into an iced drink. Finally, make your very own protein-frappuccino, which is certainly so much healthier than the calorie-packed coffee shop version. Because this magic powder is very versatile, you will find many recipes that incorporate it. From pizza crust to protein balls, you can play around with it. Sky’s the limit to your imagination.

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