
Use of advanced machinery/tools in farming

The role of modern agricultural machines is very crucial as it helps in increasing agriculture production and productivity, improving utilization efficiency of costlier inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and irrigation water, besides reducing human drudgery associated with various agricultural operations. However, the adoption of mechanization by the farmers of various States depends on varying factors such as socio-economic conditions, geographical conditions, crops grown, irrigation facilities etc.  The emphasis of the Government is  to  promote mechanization with the specific aim of increasing the reach of farm mechanization to small and marginal farmers  and to the regions  where  availability  of  farm power is low  and promoting  ‘Custom Hiring Centers’ to offset  the adverse  economies of scale arising due to small land holding and high cost of individual ownership of agricultural machines. A Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization’ (SMAM) is implemented in all the States and Union Territories from 2014-15 including the State of Uttar Pradesh. Under this scheme, financial assistance @ 40% to 50% of the cost of machines depending on the categories of farmers is provided for purchase of agricultural machines. Financial assistance @ 40% of the project cost is also provided to rural entrepreneur, (Rural youth and farmer as an entrepreneur), Cooperative Societies of Farmers, Registered Farmers Societies, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Panchayats for establishment of Custom Hiring Centres (CHCs) and Hi-tech hubs of high value agricultural machines. Financial assistance @ 80% of the project cost for the projects costing up to Rs. 30 lakhs is provided to the Cooperative Societies of farmers, Registered Farmer Societies, FPOs, Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Panchayats for setting up of village level Farm Machinery Banks (FMBs).The scheme promotes almost all agricultural machines and equipments for crop production and post production activities. The Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, (DA&FW) is implementing Crop Residue Management Scheme from 2018-19 to support efforts of the State Governments of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh & NCT of Delhi to address air pollution caused due to paddy stubble burning and to subsidize machinery required for management of crop residue. Under this scheme, financial assistance @ 50% is provided to the farmers for purchase of crop residue management machinery and @ 80% is provided to Rural Entrepreneurs (Rural youth & Farmer as an entrepreneur), Cooperative Societies of farmers, Registered Farmers Societies, Farmers Producer Organization (FPOs) and Panchayats for establishment of Custom Hiring Centres (CHCs) of crop residue management machines. The scheme promotes the usage of machines such as Super Straw Management System, Happy Seeder, Super Seeder, Smart Seeder, Surface Seeder, Zero Till Seed cum Fertilizer Drill etc. for in-situ management of crop residue and Balers & Straw Rakes for collection of straw for further ex-situ utilization. Financial assistance @ 65% on the capital cost of machinery costing up to Rs. 1.50 crores is also provided for establishment of paddy straw supply chain projects with a view to ensure continuous supply of paddy straw to end user industries in biomass power generation and biofuel sectors. The Government has also approved Central Sector Scheme for providing drones to the Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) with an outlay of Rs. 1261 Crores for the period from 2023-24 to 2025-26. The scheme is implemented in entire country including the State of Uttar Pradesh. Under this scheme, there is a provision of Central Financial Assistance (CFA) @ 80% of the cost of drone and accessories/ancillary charges up to a maximum of Rs. 8.00 lakhs per drone to the selected women SHGs. During the period from 2014-15 to 2024-25 (as on 30 November 2024), central funds amounting to Rs. 656.56 crores have been released to the State of Uttar Pradesh under SMAM and the State has supplied 176722 machines and equipments to the farmers on subsidy and established 10769 CHCs/Hi-tech Hubs/FMBs. Under the Crop Residue Management Scheme, the central funds amounting to Rs. 763.67 crores have been released to the State of Uttar Pradesh during the period from 2018-19 to 2024-25 (as on 30 November 2024) and the State have supplied more than 70500 crop residue management machines to the farmers and established 8804 CHCs of crop residue management machines. Under Namo drone Didi Scheme, out of the total 15,000 drones targeted to be supplied, the Lead Fertilizer Companies (LFCs) have procured the first 500 drones in 2023-24, using their internal resources and distributed to the selected SHGs, which include 32 drones supplied to SHGs of the State of Uttar Pradesh. The district-wise allocation of the funds and physical targets under these schemes are done at the State level and as per the information received from the Department of Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh, the details of funds allocated, machines supplied and CHCs/Hi-tech Hubs/FMBs established under SMAM and Crop Residue Management Schemes in the districts of Mau and Balia during the period from 2018-19 to 2024-25 (as on 30 November 2024) is as under:   S.No. Particulars Mau Ballia 1 Funds allocated/released (Rs. in Crores) 4.88 8.64 2 Machines distributed to individual farmers (Nos.) 241 461 3 CHCs/Hi-tech Hubs/FMBs established (Nos.) 34 61   This information was given by the Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Shri Ram Nath Thakur in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. ***** SS/2382 The role of modern agricultural machines is very crucial as it helps in increasing agriculture production and productivity, improving utilization efficiency of costlier inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and irrigation water, besides reducing human drudgery associated with various agricultural operations. However, the adoption of mechanization by the farmers of various States depends on varying factors such as socio-economic conditions, geographical conditions, crops grown, irrigation facilities etc.  The emphasis of the Government is  to  promote mechanization with the specific aim of increasing the reach of farm mechanization to small and marginal farmers  and to the regions  where  availability  of  farm power is low  and promoting  ‘Custom Hiring Centers’ to offset  the adverse  economies of scale arising due to small land holding and high cost of individual ownership of agricultural machines. A Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization’ (SMAM) is implemented in all the States and Union Territories from 2014-15 including the State of Uttar Pradesh. Under this scheme, financial assistance @ 40% to 50% of the cost of machines depending on the categories of farmers is provided for purchase of agricultural machines. Financial assistance @ 40% of the project cost is also provided to rural entrepreneur, (Rural youth and farmer as an entrepreneur), Cooperative Societies of Farmers, Registered Farmers Societies, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Panchayats for establishment of Custom Hiring Centres (CHCs) and Hi-tech hubs of high value agricultural machines. Financial assistance @ 80% of the project cost for the projects costing up to Rs. 30 lakhs is provided to the Cooperative Societies of farmers, Registered Farmer Societies, FPOs, Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Panchayats for setting up of village level Farm Machinery Banks (FMBs).The scheme promotes almost all agricultural machines and equipments for crop production and post production activities. The Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, (DA&FW) is implementing Crop Residue Management Scheme from 2018-19 to support efforts of the State Governments of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh & NCT of Delhi to address air pollution caused due to paddy stubble burning and to subsidize machinery required for management of crop residue. Under this scheme, financial assistance @ 50% is provided to the farmers for purchase of crop residue management machinery and @ 80% is provided to Rural Entrepreneurs (Rural youth & Farmer as an entrepreneur), Cooperative Societies of farmers, Registered Farmers Societies, Farmers Producer Organization (FPOs) and Panchayats for establishment of Custom Hiring Centres (CHCs) of crop residue management machines. The scheme promotes the usage of machines such as Super Straw Management System, Happy Seeder, Super Seeder, Smart Seeder, Surface Seeder, Zero Till Seed cum Fertilizer Drill etc. for in-situ management of crop residue and Balers & Straw Rakes for collection of straw for further ex-situ utilization. Financial assistance @ 65% on the capital cost of machinery costing up to Rs. 1.50 crores is also provided for establishment of paddy straw supply chain projects with a view to ensure continuous supply of paddy straw to end user industries in biomass power generation and biofuel sectors. The Government has also approved Central Sector Scheme for providing drones to the Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) with an outlay of Rs. 1261 Crores for the period from 2023-24 to 2025-26. The scheme is implemented in entire country including the State of Uttar Pradesh. Under this scheme, there is a provision of Central Financial Assistance (CFA) @ 80% of the cost of drone and accessories/ancillary charges up to a maximum of Rs. 8.00 lakhs per drone to the selected women SHGs. During the period from 2014-15 to 2024-25 (as on 30 November 2024), central funds amounting to Rs. 656.56 crores have been released to the State of Uttar Pradesh under SMAM and the State has supplied 176722 machines and equipments to the farmers on subsidy and established 10769 CHCs/Hi-tech Hubs/FMBs. Under the Crop Residue Management Scheme, the central funds amounting to Rs. 763.67 crores have been released to the State of Uttar Pradesh during the period from 2018-19 to 2024-25 (as on 30 November 2024) and the State have supplied more than 70500 crop residue management machines to the farmers and established 8804 CHCs of crop residue management machines. Under Namo drone Didi Scheme, out of the total 15,000 drones targeted to be supplied, the Lead Fertilizer Companies (LFCs) have procured the first 500 drones in 2023-24, using their internal resources and distributed to the selected SHGs, which include 32 drones supplied to SHGs of the State of Uttar Pradesh. The district-wise allocation of the funds and physical targets under these schemes are done at the State level and as per the information received from the Department of Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh, the details of funds allocated, machines supplied and CHCs/Hi-tech Hubs/FMBs established under SMAM and Crop Residue Management Schemes in the districts of Mau and Balia during the period from 2018-19 to 2024-25 (as on 30 November 2024) is as under:   S.No. Particulars Mau Ballia 1 Funds allocated/released (Rs. in Crores) 4.88 8.64 2 Machines distributed to individual farmers (Nos.) 241 461 3 CHCs/Hi-tech Hubs/FMBs established (Nos.) 34 61   This information was given by the Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Shri Ram Nath Thakur in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. ***** SS/2382

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