IndiaMinistry of Jal Shakti

Reconstruction of Ganga Ghats

The State-wise and year-wise funds released/disbursed by National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), for the ghats& crematoria projects under NamamiGangeProgramme during the last three financial years and current financial year (up-to 30 June 2021) are as under:-

Financial Year Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Total
(Rupees in crore)
2018-19               41.82        266.74        18.52             6.36            4.82      338.26
2019-20                 3.21                  48.15        22.07             2.28                  1.15         76.86
2020-21                 9.45                    4.18        11.82             3.23                  3.79         32.47
2021-22                 6.71                    1.18          1.64                  –                  0.94         10.47
Total               61.19       320.25        54.05           11.87       10.70      458.06


The details of Present Status of Ghats and crematoria as given below:



State Total No. of Ghats and Crematoria Sanctioned Total No. of Ghats and Crematoria


Total No. of Ghats and Crematoria

Under Progress

Total No. of Ghats and Crematoria

Under tendering

1 Uttarakhand 45 43 2 0
2 Uttar Pradesh 103 99 0 4
3 Bihar 31 14 15 2
4 Jharkhand 16 15 1 0
5 West Bengal 36 33 3 0
Total 231 204 21 6


This information was given by the Minister of State for Jal Shakti and Food Processing Industries, ShriPrahlad Singh Patel in a written reply in the LokSabha today.

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