Squadron Leader Prathamesh D Dongre (35823) was commissioned as a fighter pilot in the Flying branch of the IAF on 16 Dec 17 and is on the posted strength of a MiG-21 Bison Sqn since 04 Mar 24. On 10 May 2024, Sqn Ldr Dongre was authorised to fly a Bison aircraft for an Op task. Due to ongoing repair of runway the take-off was planned from parallel taxy track. Immediately after take-off the pilot experienced ‘Main Hydraulic failure’. Despite a grave emergency at the critical phase of flight he maintained his composure. He aborted the exercise and initiated priority recovery of aircraft. Due to the hydraulic failure, aircraft intake cone remained extended at 30% which reduced the available engine power. The emergency also warranted a flapless landing which is the most demanding configuration of landing on Bison aircraft due to extremely high landing speeds and reduced visibility. The runway was cleared and made available for landing but with only four meter of width on either side of center line due to ongoing repairs. Despite landing with high speed and in flapless configuration, the pilot was able to stop the aircraft 300 meters from end of runway. The pilot handled the emergency in a most proficient manner and executed a safe heavy weight flapless landing. The seriousness of the emergency can be gauged from the fact that the situation, if not handled timely and correctly, could have led to loss of aircraft or major damage to aircraft. For his exceptional courage, decision making ability and skillful handling of the vintage MiG-21 Bison aircraft, Sqn Ldr PD Dongre is awarded with ‘Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry)’ . *** VK/JS/SM Squadron Leader Prathamesh D Dongre (35823) was commissioned as a fighter pilot in the Flying branch of the IAF on 16 Dec 17 and is on the posted strength of a MiG-21 Bison Sqn since 04 Mar 24. On 10 May 2024, Sqn Ldr Dongre was authorised to fly a Bison aircraft for an Op task. Due to ongoing repair of runway the take-off was planned from parallel taxy track. Immediately after take-off the pilot experienced ‘Main Hydraulic failure’. Despite a grave emergency at the critical phase of flight he maintained his composure. He aborted the exercise and initiated priority recovery of aircraft. Due to the hydraulic failure, aircraft intake cone remained extended at 30% which reduced the available engine power. The emergency also warranted a flapless landing which is the most demanding configuration of landing on Bison aircraft due to extremely high landing speeds and reduced visibility. The runway was cleared and made available for landing but with only four meter of width on either side of center line due to ongoing repairs. Despite landing with high speed and in flapless configuration, the pilot was able to stop the aircraft 300 meters from end of runway. The pilot handled the emergency in a most proficient manner and executed a safe heavy weight flapless landing. The seriousness of the emergency can be gauged from the fact that the situation, if not handled timely and correctly, could have led to loss of aircraft or major damage to aircraft. For his exceptional courage, decision making ability and skillful handling of the vintage MiG-21 Bison aircraft, Sqn Ldr PD Dongre is awarded with ‘Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry)’ . *** VK/JS/SM