Group Captain Ankit Raj Singh (28175) was commissioned as a pilot in the Flying branch of the IAF on 18 Dec 04 and is posted as the Commanding Officer of a C-130 Squadron wef 29 May 23. He is a Qualified Flying Instructor with more than 7500 hours of flying experience. On 09 April 24, the officer displayed an act of gallantry by flying a mission to the North Forward Area Advanced Landing Ground (ALG) amidst the darkness of new moon night, facing intense risks to own safety and equipment, all to prioritise Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) of an injured soldier with an amputated hand. As the Commanding Officer of a Special Ops Squadron of IAF, the officer demonstrated swift actions in limited timeframe, unparalleled courage and tactical acumen during a critical CASEVAC sortie. In the face of immense challenges, including navigating through unforgiving terrain, limited lighting conditions and constricted timelines to salvage the amputated hand of the injured Sepoy, he fearlessly orchestrated the activation of Leh ALG, validating the night operation capability of C-130J. Particularly notable was the officer’s daring initiative to plan the first ever transport aircraft mission to a forward base, into the hills, under the cover of darkness of new moon. Ensuring quick launch which was critical for mission success, he executed CASEVAC with utmost safety, which ultimately saved the limb of the injured Sepoy. His unwavering commitment to duty, precise on-the-go planning and navigating treacherous terrain to conduct a safe operation in complete darkness, utilising Night Vision Goggles, testify his dedication to the well-being of his comrades and the mission’s success. For his selfless act of exceptional courage and valour, Group Captain Ankit Raj Singh is awarded with ‘Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry)’ . *** VK/JS/SM Group Captain Ankit Raj Singh (28175) was commissioned as a pilot in the Flying branch of the IAF on 18 Dec 04 and is posted as the Commanding Officer of a C-130 Squadron wef 29 May 23. He is a Qualified Flying Instructor with more than 7500 hours of flying experience. On 09 April 24, the officer displayed an act of gallantry by flying a mission to the North Forward Area Advanced Landing Ground (ALG) amidst the darkness of new moon night, facing intense risks to own safety and equipment, all to prioritise Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) of an injured soldier with an amputated hand. As the Commanding Officer of a Special Ops Squadron of IAF, the officer demonstrated swift actions in limited timeframe, unparalleled courage and tactical acumen during a critical CASEVAC sortie. In the face of immense challenges, including navigating through unforgiving terrain, limited lighting conditions and constricted timelines to salvage the amputated hand of the injured Sepoy, he fearlessly orchestrated the activation of Leh ALG, validating the night operation capability of C-130J. Particularly notable was the officer’s daring initiative to plan the first ever transport aircraft mission to a forward base, into the hills, under the cover of darkness of new moon. Ensuring quick launch which was critical for mission success, he executed CASEVAC with utmost safety, which ultimately saved the limb of the injured Sepoy. His unwavering commitment to duty, precise on-the-go planning and navigating treacherous terrain to conduct a safe operation in complete darkness, utilising Night Vision Goggles, testify his dedication to the well-being of his comrades and the mission’s success. For his selfless act of exceptional courage and valour, Group Captain Ankit Raj Singh is awarded with ‘Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry)’ . *** VK/JS/SM