
Nothing stays lost: recover your valuables with resQR

SYDNEY: World-first lost item recovery service resQR is making security of your items a breeze with the launch of their unique and innovative product range, enabling good samaritans to return your belongings to you. Through resQR’s advanced technology, “nothing stays lost”, thanks to an easy-to-use system that empowers people to scan the QR codes on your resQR tag to find a lost item.

This is ideal for tradies that are travelling with state-of-the-art tools and batteries that amount to thousands of dollars in value. You are able to set a monetary reward for each valuable that you own, or simply reward the finder of your belongings with good karma. The finder and yourself then organises a safe meet up time and location.

Unlike competing products, resQR keeps your identity and information completely confidential, and does not feature any GPS tracking that can threaten your safety. The service is focused on giving people a quick and easy to use tool to return lost belongings through QR technology.

Co-Founder of resQR, Mat Graham, has witnessed the cost both to individuals and businesses when key items such as tools are misplaced. Mat says that the resQR service gives tradies the reassurance that their high value belongings can be easily returned to them.

“A complete toolset is a tradie’s lifeblood. If equipment gets left behind it can cause a lot of distress, especially when projects need to be completed in a short timeframe. It’s especially hard to get tools back that you’ve lost on site when there’s other companies present. Tools as simple as hammers can also be returned using the smart QR codes.

“Our vision is to enrich people’s lives through peace of mind with resQR. By applying resQR to your belongings, you are enabling anyone who finds your equipment to get it back to you without any hassle. It’s a foolproof way to ensure you’re not losing money, and your work will not be affected from not having the right tools available.”

The setup process is easy to get started with resQR. Attach a resQR tag to each of your valuables and set a reward or offer good karma for their safe return. Finders who scan the QR code on the tag are able to arrange a secure meetup to give your item back to you.

If you’re looking to secure your equipment, scan the QR code on the resQR keys & bag tag below to experience the process.

Nothing stays lost with resQR which is an Australian invented and made product.

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