
How to Convert PDF to Excel on Mac Machine Free- A Complete Guide

Globally, many businesses or enterprises produce numerous invoices in PDF. According to research, about 550 billion receipts and invoices were generated in 2019. Those figures include that about 36% of invoices were generated and sent on paper, meaning that about 320 billion invoices were sent and received electronically. Primarily it would be in PDF format. Therefore most of the statistics, which are in numbers & tables and that need to be edited are not possible in PDF format. It is the main reason why users prefer to convert PDF to Excel. It helps businesses or enterprises to analyze their data or modify it in an excel spreadsheet.

Excel is used to generate invoices, record financial planning, time and task management, and contact records of individuals. If you want to save PDF as Excel on Mac, then you are at the right place. In this blog, we will discuss the possible ways to export PDF files to Excel on Mac OS. Now, we will commence with some basic reasons to convert PDF files to spreadsheets.

What are the Reasons to Convert PDF to Excel Sheet on Mac?

Excel files can store data in any form like text, numbers, images, digital data, etc. similar to PDF files. But Excel uses multiple mathematical formulas to manipulate the numerical data entered in cells. Before converting PDF data into Excel, it is necessary to know some more factors for which users are required to turn PDF into Excel. There are several important reasons to shift from PDF to Excel spreadsheets on Mac.

Some important points are mentioned below.

  • The tabular form of data seems to be inaccurate in PDF formats.
  • It is not possible to analyze PDF files containing statistical data, so users convert PDF to Excel to know the statistics of any data.
  • PDF file formats cannot be modified and edited while managing the data.
  • Data management becomes much easier when performed or maintained in an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Excel automatically inserts the date and time into a cell using several keystroke combinations.

Here the above reasons show why most of the users choose to convert PDF table to Excel

spreadsheets. Excel file data can be viewed and presented with various parameters depending on the users’ requirements. Now, we will proceed with the manual method to change PDF files into excel free on Mac OS.

How do I convert a PDF to Excel for free?

Many users and experts recommend using a professional PDF Converter Tool to convert PDF into Excel on Mac. But some of the users look forward to various non-professional methods for converting PDF files to Excel spreadsheets.

Let’s see the steps carefully to save PDF as Excel on Mac. To perform this process, users need to have Adobe installed on Mac.

  • Install and run Adobe reader on Mac.
  • Click the Tool menu on the top and select Export as Excel.
  • Drag and Drop or Choose the file into the program to open the file.
  • Now, Select Spreadsheet in the menu to have Excel format for output.
  • Next, hit on Export button to have the resultant file.

Users have to select the PDF files one by one to convert the PDF files to Excel. The manual method is not said to be a reliable and most effective solution to turn PDF into Excel. In the next context, we will be briefing some of the limitations of converting the Mac PDF file to Excel.

Manual Method Limitations to Convert PDF to Excel on Mac

Since this is a manual approach, it has some limitations. It is a non-automated and unprofessional technique for changing the PDF data into Excel on Mac. If users do not perform the steps accordingly, it may lead to data loss or inaccuracy.

Some of the major limitations to convert PDF table to Excel are as follows.

  • The manual process is very lengthy and not able to perform very easily.
  • The DIY trick is not always accurate and does not give exact results most of the time.
  • Users must have the sound technical knowledge to convert PDF to Excel on Mac manually.
  • It is not possible to save the PDF attachments in a subfolder.
  • Users cannot perform the bulk conversion, only a single file can be converted using this method.

To avoid such issues, users prefer to go for alternative solutions. Automated PDF Converter Tool for Mac is the best solution to turn PDF into Excel on Mac. This method eliminates limitations and allows the users to perform bulk conversion with the attachments. It maintains data integrity and doesn’t possess any loss of data. Also, users do not require any technical knowledge and expertise to use the automated technique.

Summing Up

We have discussed the reasons, methods, and limitations to convert PDF to Excel on Mac. Converting the PDF files to Excel Spreadsheets for Mac is no big task. But when it comes bulk conversion, it may create issues using the DIY method. So users are recommended to use an automated PDF converter tool to risk-free and efficiently convert PDF files on Mac. It can also convert encrypted PDF files without any data alteration by maintaining high data accuracy.

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