IndiaMinistry of Jal Shakti

Har Khet Ko Paani Under PMKSY

PradhanMantriKrishiSinchayeeYojana (PMKSY) was launched in 2015-16 with an aim to enhance physical access of water on farm, expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on farm water use efficiency, introduce sustainable water conservation practices, etc. HarKhetKoPani (HKKP) is one of the components of PradhanMantriKrishiSinchayeeYojana (PMKSY). Under HKKP, financial assistance is being provided by this Ministry under Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM); Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI); Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies; and Ground Water components.


CADWM Programme aims for improving water use efficiency in irrigation, providing assured supply of water to every farm field, and transfer of control and management of irrigation system to the Water Users’ Associations (WUAs). Presently the CADWM component of 99 prioritized projects of Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) only has been included for funding under PMKSY. State-wise details of financial assistance for CADWM by this Ministry during last two years, is given at Annexure-I.


SMI and RRR of water bodies schemes mainly aims at expanding cultivable area under assured irrigation along with other objectives like improving water use efficiency, Ground Water recharge, improvement and restoration of water bodies. Through these measures, increasing tank storage capacity, revival of lost irrigation potential, increased availability of drinking water, improvement of catchment of tank commands etc. are targeted. State-wise progress made by this Ministry under SMI and RRR of water bodies schemes during last two years, is placed at Annexure-II.

The Ground Water scheme under PMKSY-HKKP aims to provide financial assistance to States for assured ground water irrigation to small and marginal farmers. State-wise progress made by this Ministry under this component during last two years, is placed at Annexure-III.


The Scheme for PMKSY-HKKP was valid till March, 2021. The extension of the scheme for the period 2021-26 is under consideration of the Government. The targets for this period shall be firmed up based on approval of the scheme for the period 2021-26.


The monitoring of SMI, RRR of Water Bodies and CADWM projects is done through monitoring visits undertaken by officials of regional offices of Central Water Commission (CWC).  Further, for CADWM, the monitoring is also being done by a project management unit. Also, review of Ground Water schemes is being done on monthly basis with the State Implementing Agency. Apart from the above, there are dashboards of the individual components, where the progress is being monitored in public domain through dedicated component-wise management information system.


For CADWM, SMI and RRR of water bodies components, farmer-wise details are not being maintained. However, CADWM programme monitors the progress of formation of Water Users Associations (WUA). Under PMKSY, so far 8562 WUAs have been created, out of which 4061 WUAs have taken over the control of CAD assets. Further, under PMKSY so far 34,928 farmers including small and marginal farmers, have benefited under Ground Water component of HKKP.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Jal Shakti and Food Processing Industries, ShriPrahlad Singh Patel in a written reply in the LokSabha today.





Details of Financial and Physical progress under Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) Programme during the last two years
S.No. State 2019-20 2020-21
Central Assistance released
(Rs. in crore)
Cultivable Command Area achieved (thousand hectare) Central Assistance released
(Rs. in crore)
Cultivable Command Area achieved (thousand hectare)
1 Assam 7.97 4.00 3.51
2 Bihar 2.47 3.04
3 Goa 0.08 3.84 0.20
4 Gujarat 1.59 1.56
5 Jammu & Kashmir 0.53 1.87 0.19
6 Karnataka 3.79 3.79 11.34 0.11
7 Kerala 0.30 2.69 0.30
8 Madhya Pradesh 17.40 43.32 24.10
9 Maharashtra 19.65 46.23 24.23
10 Manipur 3.64
11 Orissa 9.61 34.47 8.03
12 Punjab 18.08
13 Rajasthan 10.22 0.46 31.26 9.100
14 Telangana 10.68
15 Uttar Pradesh 150.00 6.00
  TOTAL : 164.01 74.53 203.10 78.01




Details of central assistance (CA) released and potential achieved/restored under Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI) and Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of water bodies components of HarKhetKoPani during last two years
S.N. State 2019-20 2020-21
CA (Rs. in crore) Potential Achieved/ Restored (thousand hectare)* CA (Rs. in crore) Potential Achieved/ Restored (thousand hectare)*
1 Andhra Pradesh
2 Arunachal Pradesh 17.49 3 104.69
3 Assam 414.06 7 205.62
4 Bihar 27.96 9 10.65 19
5 Chhattisgarh
6 Gujarat
7 Himachal Pradesh 147.91 5 59.80
8 Jharkhand
9 Karnataka
10 Madhya Pradesh
11 Manipur 24.26 69.26
12 Meghalaya 22.22 3 57.07
13 Mizoram 11.34 2 7.65
14 Nagaland 20.46 2 35.99
15 Orissa 1 34.54
16 Rajasthan 11.96
17 Sikkim 9.13 1 9.33
18 Tamil Nadu 16.75 1.25
19 Telangana 4 1
20 Tripura 9.00
21 Uttar Pradesh
22 Uttarakhand 31.78 5 3
23 UT of J&K 62.18 2 96.69
24 UT of Ladakh 6.40 0.90
  Grand Total 832.90 44 693.44 23

* As reported by the States.


State-wise details of progress made under Ground Water component of HarKhetKoPani  during last two years

  Achievement during last two years (July 2019 – June 2021)
S. No. State Wells completed Command area created Farmers Benefitted
(Nos.) (Ha.) (Nos.)
1 Assam phase-I 4,593 18,180 18,134
2 Arunachal Pradesh phase-I 473 1,670 2,835
3 Gujarat 5 5 5
4 Nagaland 68 19 27
5 Tripura phase-I 177 18 36
6 Uttar Pradesh 12,016 14,669 12,016
7 Arunachal Pradesh phase-II 495
8 Tamil Nadu 115 374 866
9 Manipur 395 1,300 980
10 Mizoram 13 30 29
11 Assam Phase-II 3414
12 Uttarakhand
13 Telangana
14 West Bengal
15 Tripura phase-II
  Total 21,764 36,265 34,928

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