Fish Production
Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying is implementing flagship scheme namely “Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)” with investment of ₹20,050 crore in fisheries sector for a period of 5 years with effect from the FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 in all the States/UTs. PMMSY inter-alia, envisages to address critical gaps in fish production, productivity, quality, technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, modernization and strengthening of value chain, reduction of post-harvest losses, traceability etc including marketing infrastructure. For creation and strengthening of marketing infrastructure, PMMSY has supported 27189 units of fish transportation facilities (refrigerated vehicles, insulated vehicles, two wheelers/ three wheelers), 21 state of the art wholesale fish markets, 202 fish retail markets, 6694 fish kiosks and 5 E-platform for e-trading and e-marketing of fish and fisheries products with total outlay of Rs. 1654.51 crore in all the States/UTs across the country. To provide real-time and accurate price information to fishers and fish farmers and to help them for negotiating better price and profitability, the Department through National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) has launched the ‘Fish Market Price Information System’ (FMPIS) during 2018-19 to capture and disseminate fish market prices of commercially important marine and inland fishes from 111 wholesale and retail fish markets in 29 States/UTs. Further, the Department of Fisheries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) with an objective to provide a digital platform and empower all stakeholders including traditional fishermen, fish farmers producer organization, entrepreneurs from fisheries sector to buy and sell their products through e-market place. Further, PMMSY has supported 2195 fisheries cooperatives as Fish Farmers Producer Organizations (FFPOs) with project outlay of Rs. 544.85 crore through National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), Small Farmers' Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) and National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) as implementing agencies. The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), a flagship scheme implemented for overall development of fisheries and aquaculture sector in the country, inter-alia envisages to enhance fisheries exports to Rs 1.0 lakh crores by 2024-25. In order to enhance India’s export competitiveness and higher price realization, the PMMSY supports a basket of interventions/activities along the fisheries value chain including quality fish production, expansion, diversification and intensification of brackish water aquaculture, promotion of export-oriented species, infusion of technology, robust disease management and traceability, training and capacity building, creation of modern post-harvest infrastructure with seamless cold chain, development of modern fishing harbours and fish landing centres, etc. The seafood exports of India have more than doubled since FY 2013-14. While the seafood exports stood at Rs 30,213 crore in 2013-14, the same has increased to Rs. 60,523.89 crore during FY 2023-24. Further, the MPEDA has informed that they have prepared a Vision Document -2030 for the India’s marine products export sector with recommendation to achieve an export turnover of USS$ 18.00 billion by 2030. The details of fish products in the country, State and year-wise during the last five years (2019-20 to 2023-24) is annexed. Annexure Information regarding Fish Production: Item-Wise Export Of Marine Products From India Q: Quantity in M T, V: Value in Rs. Crore Item 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Frozen Shrimp Q: 652253 590275 728123 711099 716004 V: 34152.03 32520.29 42706.04 43135.58 40013.54 Frozen Fish Q: 223318 188130 226586 368549 381588 V: 3610.01 2941.65 3471.91 5503.18 5509.69 Fr Cuttle Fish Q: 70906 59292 58992 54919 54316 V: 2009.79 1626.34 2062.63 2353.34 2252.63 Fr Squid Q: 87631 61176 75750 83846 93509 V: 2196.59 1998.90 2806.09 3593.75 3061.46 Dried Item Q: 84417 85661 73679 252918 300966 V: 981.50 1148.38 1472.98 3080.92 4070.60 Live Items Q: 7287 4379 7032 7824 7585 V: 324.26 239.69 353.36 440.06 397.84 Chilled Items Q: 21202 17622 21689 24428 35925 V: 631.84 477.99 733.47 616.29 687.19 Others Q: 142638 142975 177414 231703 191709 V: 2756.84 2767.74 3979.99 5246.03 4530.92 Total Q: 12,89,651 11,49,510 13,69,264 17,35,286 17,81,602 V: 46,662.85 43,720.98 57,586.48 63,969.14 60,523.89 State-Wise Export of Marine Products From India Q: Quantity in Tons, V: Value in Rs. Crore 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Gujarat Q 252712 203917 200099 248863 284088 V 5001.43 4188.52 4421.10 5466.94 5511.36 Maharashtra Q 151425 110822 193999 214167 222453 V 4829.17 3684.94 7303.92 7466.47 6923.34 Goa Q 21498 16549 36057 63333 55167 V 520.65 435.25 730.64 1007.60 934.20 Karnataka Q 111465 121348 120427 312347 301183 V 1520.10 1689.14 1962.19 4737.23 4785.05 Kerala Q 163563 157698 182430 218629 196807 V 5672.27 5623.12 6971.56 8285.03 7231.84 Tamil Nadu Q 130377 110023 114810 123157 134317 V 6465.71 5565.48 6559.64 6957.67 6854.22 Andhra Predesh Q 293314 279992 324904 328160 347927 V 15498.64 15831.74 20035.49 19846.95 19420.38 Telangana Q 0 0 3102 6676 11758 V 0.00 0.00 156.91 358.39 565.10 Odisha Q 66671 60718 86765 85308 84231 V 3243.93 3107.68 4627.91 4546.47 3954.60 West Bengal Q 98626 88443 103398 125025 132318 V 3910.95 3595.12 4742.47 5121.33 4145.51 Delhi Q 0 0 766 1083 1294 V 0.00 0.00 39.00 63.61 79.84 Others Q 0 0 2507 8536 10058 V 0.00 0.00 35.64 111.47 118.46 Total Q 12,89,651 11,49,510 13,69,264 17,35,286 17,81,602 V 46,662.85 43,720.98 57,586.48 63,969.14 60,523.89 This information was given by the Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Shri Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh, in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. ****** AA Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying is implementing flagship scheme namely “Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)” with investment of ₹20,050 crore in fisheries sector for a period of 5 years with effect from the FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 in all the States/UTs. PMMSY inter-alia, envisages to address critical gaps in fish production, productivity, quality, technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, modernization and strengthening of value chain, reduction of post-harvest losses, traceability etc including marketing infrastructure. For creation and strengthening of marketing infrastructure, PMMSY has supported 27189 units of fish transportation facilities (refrigerated vehicles, insulated vehicles, two wheelers/ three wheelers), 21 state of the art wholesale fish markets, 202 fish retail markets, 6694 fish kiosks and 5 E-platform for e-trading and e-marketing of fish and fisheries products with total outlay of Rs. 1654.51 crore in all the States/UTs across the country. To provide real-time and accurate price information to fishers and fish farmers and to help them for negotiating better price and profitability, the Department through National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) has launched the ‘Fish Market Price Information System’ (FMPIS) during 2018-19 to capture and disseminate fish market prices of commercially important marine and inland fishes from 111 wholesale and retail fish markets in 29 States/UTs. Further, the Department of Fisheries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) with an objective to provide a digital platform and empower all stakeholders including traditional fishermen, fish farmers producer organization, entrepreneurs from fisheries sector to buy and sell their products through e-market place. Further, PMMSY has supported 2195 fisheries cooperatives as Fish Farmers Producer Organizations (FFPOs) with project outlay of Rs. 544.85 crore through National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), Small Farmers' Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) and National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) as implementing agencies. The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), a flagship scheme implemented for overall development of fisheries and aquaculture sector in the country, inter-alia envisages to enhance fisheries exports to Rs 1.0 lakh crores by 2024-25. In order to enhance India’s export competitiveness and higher price realization, the PMMSY supports a basket of interventions/activities along the fisheries value chain including quality fish production, expansion, diversification and intensification of brackish water aquaculture, promotion of export-oriented species, infusion of technology, robust disease management and traceability, training and capacity building, creation of modern post-harvest infrastructure with seamless cold chain, development of modern fishing harbours and fish landing centres, etc. The seafood exports of India have more than doubled since FY 2013-14. While the seafood exports stood at Rs 30,213 crore in 2013-14, the same has increased to Rs. 60,523.89 crore during FY 2023-24. Further, the MPEDA has informed that they have prepared a Vision Document -2030 for the India’s marine products export sector with recommendation to achieve an export turnover of USS$ 18.00 billion by 2030. The details of fish products in the country, State and year-wise during the last five years (2019-20 to 2023-24) is annexed. Annexure Information regarding Fish Production: Item-Wise Export Of Marine Products From India Q: Quantity in M T, V: Value in Rs. Crore Item 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Frozen Shrimp Q: 652253 590275 728123 711099 716004 V: 34152.03 32520.29 42706.04 43135.58 40013.54 Frozen Fish Q: 223318 188130 226586 368549 381588 V: 3610.01 2941.65 3471.91 5503.18 5509.69 Fr Cuttle Fish Q: 70906 59292 58992 54919 54316 V: 2009.79 1626.34 2062.63 2353.34 2252.63 Fr Squid Q: 87631 61176 75750 83846 93509 V: 2196.59 1998.90 2806.09 3593.75 3061.46 Dried Item Q: 84417 85661 73679 252918 300966 V: 981.50 1148.38 1472.98 3080.92 4070.60 Live Items Q: 7287 4379 7032 7824 7585 V: 324.26 239.69 353.36 440.06 397.84 Chilled Items Q: 21202 17622 21689 24428 35925 V: 631.84 477.99 733.47 616.29 687.19 Others Q: 142638 142975 177414 231703 191709 V: 2756.84 2767.74 3979.99 5246.03 4530.92 Total Q: 12,89,651 11,49,510 13,69,264 17,35,286 17,81,602 V: 46,662.85 43,720.98 57,586.48 63,969.14 60,523.89 State-Wise Export of Marine Products From India Q: Quantity in Tons, V: Value in Rs. Crore 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Gujarat Q 252712 203917 200099 248863 284088 V 5001.43 4188.52 4421.10 5466.94 5511.36 Maharashtra Q 151425 110822 193999 214167 222453 V 4829.17 3684.94 7303.92 7466.47 6923.34 Goa Q 21498 16549 36057 63333 55167 V 520.65 435.25 730.64 1007.60 934.20 Karnataka Q 111465 121348 120427 312347 301183 V 1520.10 1689.14 1962.19 4737.23 4785.05 Kerala Q 163563 157698 182430 218629 196807 V 5672.27 5623.12 6971.56 8285.03 7231.84 Tamil Nadu Q 130377 110023 114810 123157 134317 V 6465.71 5565.48 6559.64 6957.67 6854.22 Andhra Predesh Q 293314 279992 324904 328160 347927 V 15498.64 15831.74 20035.49 19846.95 19420.38 Telangana Q 0 0 3102 6676 11758 V 0.00 0.00 156.91 358.39 565.10 Odisha Q 66671 60718 86765 85308 84231 V 3243.93 3107.68 4627.91 4546.47 3954.60 West Bengal Q 98626 88443 103398 125025 132318 V 3910.95 3595.12 4742.47 5121.33 4145.51 Delhi Q 0 0 766 1083 1294 V 0.00 0.00 39.00 63.61 79.84 Others Q 0 0 2507 8536 10058 V 0.00 0.00 35.64 111.47 118.46 Total Q 12,89,651 11,49,510 13,69,264 17,35,286 17,81,602 V 46,662.85 43,720.98 57,586.48 63,969.14 60,523.89 This information was given by the Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Shri Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh, in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. ****** AA