District Mineral Foundation (DMF)
PMKKKY mandates DMFs to spend funds on priority sectors viz. Drinking Water, Environment Preservation and Pollution Control measures, Health Care, Education, Welfare of Women and Children, Welfare of aged and differently-abled, Skill Development and Livelihood generation, Sanitation, Housing, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and other priority sectors which helps in improving the lives of peoples in mining-affected areas. Till November 2024, cumulative amount of Rs 1,02,083.03 Cr. has been collected in DMFs across country, out of which Rs 87,357.28 Cr. has been sanctioned for 3.60 lakh projects. A total 2.01 lakh projects have been completed and an amount of Rs.54,892 Cr. has been spent. To ensure effective implementation of the PMKKKY scheme, the Central Government has issued revised PMKKKY guidelines in January, 2024. Some of the key features of these guidelines includes utilisation of at least 70% of DMF funds in the directly affected area and high priority sectors, mandatory audit of DMF accounts by C&AG, inclusion of elected representatives i.e. MPs, MLAs and MLCs in the Governing Council, grievance redressal, compliance mechanism, and establishment of State Level Monitoring Committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary. The PMKKKY guidelines 2024 provides that Gram Sabha/ Local Bodies may aid in preparation of perspective plan. Further, these guidelines also mandates that the utilization of DMF Funds in the scheduled areas shall be guided by the provisions contained in Article 244 read with Schedule V and Schedule VI to the Constitution relating to administration of the Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas and the Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension of the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 and the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. This information was given by Union Minister of Coal and Mines Shri G. Kishan Reddy on 3 rd February, 2025 in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today. **** Shuhaib T PMKKKY mandates DMFs to spend funds on priority sectors viz. Drinking Water, Environment Preservation and Pollution Control measures, Health Care, Education, Welfare of Women and Children, Welfare of aged and differently-abled, Skill Development and Livelihood generation, Sanitation, Housing, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and other priority sectors which helps in improving the lives of peoples in mining-affected areas. Till November 2024, cumulative amount of Rs 1,02,083.03 Cr. has been collected in DMFs across country, out of which Rs 87,357.28 Cr. has been sanctioned for 3.60 lakh projects. A total 2.01 lakh projects have been completed and an amount of Rs.54,892 Cr. has been spent. To ensure effective implementation of the PMKKKY scheme, the Central Government has issued revised PMKKKY guidelines in January, 2024. Some of the key features of these guidelines includes utilisation of at least 70% of DMF funds in the directly affected area and high priority sectors, mandatory audit of DMF accounts by C&AG, inclusion of elected representatives i.e. MPs, MLAs and MLCs in the Governing Council, grievance redressal, compliance mechanism, and establishment of State Level Monitoring Committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary. The PMKKKY guidelines 2024 provides that Gram Sabha/ Local Bodies may aid in preparation of perspective plan. Further, these guidelines also mandates that the utilization of DMF Funds in the scheduled areas shall be guided by the provisions contained in Article 244 read with Schedule V and Schedule VI to the Constitution relating to administration of the Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas and the Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension of the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 and the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. This information was given by Union Minister of Coal and Mines Shri G. Kishan Reddy on 3 rd February, 2025 in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today. **** Shuhaib T