United States

Bill allowing intermediate units to buy real estate passes House

(The Center Square) – A bipartisan bill allowing Pennsylvania’s intermediate units to purchase their own facilities has passed the House.

The commonwealth’s 29 IUs serve the districts and schools within their region and function as a bridge between them and the Department of Education. They provide support through assessments, special services, continuing education, and other specialized programming.

Many IUs operate programs like early childhood education, alternative schooling and career and technical education. They serve 175,000 students and 50,000 educators each year and require customized spaces to meet their individual needs.

IUs currently own office and warehouse space but are only allowed to lease instructional space. The bill’s supporters say this is a way to save the state money in the long run.

“By giving IUs this flexibility, there is a long-term cost containment to help protect taxpayers not just today but ten years from now,” said Education Chair Rep. Pete Schweyer during a committee vote last week.

The final vote included 155-47 with unanimous support from Democrats and majority support from Republicans.

Though no one spoke about their opposition on the floor, some Republicans previously expressed concern about the school system undertaking more financial responsibilities when so many facilities across the state are in need of repair.

“Now is not the time to go ahead and give permission to buy real estate that ultimately the taxpayers are going to be responsible for paying and keeping up and maintaining,” said Rep. Milou MacKenzie, R-Bethlehem, who ultimately voted against the bill on the floor.

The bill would require any loan or purchase agreement to undergo standard approval processes and ultimately receive the go-ahead from the Secretary of Education.

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