Agricultural Marketing is a State subject and Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) are regulated under respective State Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act of the State. The data in reference to accommodation facility for the farmers as well as parking of their carrier vehicles is not maintained centrally. Student READY programme is an integral part of the undergraduate degree programme in the disciplines of Agriculture, and allied areas. The five components of the Student READY programme are: Further, the details of the Scholarships/Fellowships awarded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is at Annexure-I. Annexure-I Scholarships/Fellowships awarded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) S. No. Schemes/Fellowships Number of Beneficiaries 2022-23 2023-24 1 National Talent Scholarship for Under Graduate (UG) Students 6734 10034 2 National Talent Scholarship for Post Graduate (PG) Students 3542 3428 3 PG Scholarship 1693 1613 4 Junior/Senior Research Fellowship for Ph. D Students 1130 1157 5 Internship for B.V.Sc. Students 4652 4996 6 Merit-cum-Means (MCM) Scholarship for Undergraduate studies 417 439 7 Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowship for Ph. D 39 32 Total 18207 21699 This information was given by Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Ramnath Thakur in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. ****** MG/KSR Agricultural Marketing is a State subject and Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) are regulated under respective State Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act of the State. The data in reference to accommodation facility for the farmers as well as parking of their carrier vehicles is not maintained centrally. Student READY programme is an integral part of the undergraduate degree programme in the disciplines of Agriculture, and allied areas. The five components of the Student READY programme are: Further, the details of the Scholarships/Fellowships awarded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is at Annexure-I. Annexure-I Scholarships/Fellowships awarded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) S. No. Schemes/Fellowships Number of Beneficiaries 2022-23 2023-24 1 National Talent Scholarship for Under Graduate (UG) Students 6734 10034 2 National Talent Scholarship for Post Graduate (PG) Students 3542 3428 3 PG Scholarship 1693 1613 4 Junior/Senior Research Fellowship for Ph. D Students 1130 1157 5 Internship for B.V.Sc. Students 4652 4996 6 Merit-cum-Means (MCM) Scholarship for Undergraduate studies 417 439 7 Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowship for Ph. D 39 32 Total 18207 21699 This information was given by Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Ramnath Thakur in a written reply in Lok Sabha today. ****** MG/KSR