
Visitor Analytics Improves Data Privacy Features with Consentless/Cookieless Tracking

Munchen, Bayern Aug 17, 2021 ( – Visitor Analytics, an all-in-one web analytics start-up focused on data privacy, launched a new Constentless/Cookieless Tracking feature this quarter. With the delay of Google ending cookies until 2023 and the increased importance of staying compliant with data privacy laws like the GDPR, CCPA, CPPA, and others, Visitor Analytics provides companies with privacy-compliant access to 100% of their data without the need for cookie consent banners.

“As one of the most recognized analytics and statistics tools, we think it’s important to offer an option where people can get 100% of their traffic data, 100% ePrivacy safe, without having to ask for consent upfront and with literally no additional work –  MPM (Max Privacy Mode)!” 

-Alexander Veit
CIO Visitor Analytics

As consumers become more aware of data privacy issues or ignore/decline consent banners, apps that use cookies to track website traffic will not be able to collect as much data anymore. This is the case for most website analytics apps and why cookieless tracking has suddenly become essential. It respects the privacy and ensures that companies get accurate data. Users don’t need to opt-in and companies no longer need to worry about consent banners.

Consentless tracking has 3 important advantages:

  • It respects individual privacy and all privacy laws
  • It is the only 100% accurate solution for tracking all user activity
  • It offers more security by not storing data on user devices (compliant with the newly-implemented German TTDSG and the existing ePrivacy regulations in the rest of the EU)

Using the innovative Visitor Analytics approach to consentless tracking, companies no longer need cookies or consent banners. The application does this with a Privacy Center, where companies can choose from 4 different privacy modes (consentless options in bold):

  • No Extra Privacy Measures
  • IP Anonymization
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Maximum Privacy Mode (MPM)

Starting with GDPR mode, companies can start using consentless and cookieless tracking. This approach uses digital fingerprints that can later be recognized. Unlike cookies, fingerprints are not stored on a user’s device and, therefore, cannot provide data about what the visitor does outside of the sessions on that particular site. This makes cross-tracking impossible. Some anonymized data is stored, but only within the analytics environment, and it is impossible to associate it with the habits and history of a particular individual.

Using Maximum Privacy Mode, no tracking data or cookies are generated or stored and the details of a user’s device are never accessed. There is no digital fingerprint at all. No personal data is stored. No cookies are used. So there is no need for consent. One less thing to worry about when managing a website. This also means that 100% of statistical and analytical data is available for users to rely on when making website improvement decisions.

About Visitor Analytics GmbH: Visitor Analytics is a high-performing start-up that offers a privacy-compliant, all-in-one solution for any website in regards to website statistics, UX & behavior (recordings, heatmaps, funnels, etc.), visitor interaction, and so much more. Founded in January 2016 in Munich and Cluj, our app has been installed more than 2.5M times by users from 190 countries.


Source :Visitor Analytics. GmbH

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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