
Secrets You Should Know Before You Go to Study Abroad

The number of students who are likely to go abroad to further study is increasing. Considering the stats of 2022, 1.3 million Indian students went to study abroad in 79 countries, and in 2021, this figure was 4.44 lakh students, as per a source.

They want lucrative offers to make them eligible for employment abroad. Besides this typical reason, there is one more interesting fact that encourages youngsters to prefer studying abroad. It is the emergence of new countries that have started opening their gates for high-quality education and global experience. The US, the UK, Australia, and Canada used to be the foreign locations with the maximum footfall of emigrant students.

Many students love to prefer studying abroad to study what comes under STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Moreover, the popularity of programs in business and management, computer science, healthcare, finance, engineering, and education is no less than the aforementioned subjects. Among these, computer science, MS in analytics, civil engineering, business management, and medicine are the streams that can bring golden career opportunities in the future.

This post will prove a valuable education guide for those who are looking for the best study abroad offers. However, there are multiple options that can be leveraged.

Multiple Alternatives for Education

Indian students are bright and meritorious. Their incredible academic records guide them to embrace foreign locations, such as the US, the UK, or Canada, where the quality of education is high, and simultaneously, they can have multiple options to gain on-the-job experience.

Countries like Singapore, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Ireland are now offering many courses in English for international students. Despite this offering, the selection of the right foreign location largely depends on many factors. These factors can include how safe the country is for emigrants, study programs, employability, how much to pay for education, how widely the degree is recognized, and the scope for job opportunities after the course.

Internships Can Be Helpful

Well, today, students are smart enough. They understand the value of skills learned during graduation or academic courses. Considering the courses that international universities offer, they offer the same skills that are trending and valuable to employers in economies. So, understanding the worth of the education programs is a must before opting for any comprehensive course abroad. You need to research if the potential education option is understandable and provide internships to enhance the employability of the student.

Overall, the student should analyze the scope of job opportunities in different industries and academics. Let’s say the international course in computer science, especially data science, can help in gaining practical experience in industry settings abroad. For such opportunities, students must be aware of industry developments, trends, and updates so that they can obtain relevant certifications. This is how they can enhance their competitiveness in the employment sector.


Soft Skills and Networking

Switching from learning to utilizing academic education in different industries requires practical knowledge and technical expertise. It is a common perception and, of course, true as well. But a crucial aspect that you cannot ignore is acquiring soft skills. These skills are associated with communication, teamwork, and a problem-solving approach. The candidates with these skills stand out across various sectors. The students must acquire them during academic sessions. Even so, they can nurture them while networking with alumni, participating in career fairs, and sponsoring events.

Post-work Visa is Crucial

Another crucial thing is getting the right opportunity after completing education. The foreign aspirants attain education with a view to getting a golden job opportunity. Sometimes, the government policy of that destination may not be favorable to work. So, it is important to understand this aspect as well.

Considering an example of Australia, its policy allows post-study work visas. It means that the emigrant students can complete their studies and work there for up to three years after the course. This opportunity not only gets money but also valuable work experience in foreign cultural settings. It will be, for sure, different, but it will make them highly competitive when they return home with a degree from the foreign university plus working experience in hand. It can help them attain a higher CTA locally.

Assess the Global Recognition of the Degree

However, employers appreciate those who have international degrees and work experience from abroad. But the university must be globally recognized for that particular degree course. It helps in meeting professional standards back at home.

For example, courses like medicine and allied healthcare require stringent professional protocols, and they have to be verified before taking admission abroad.

Visa and Legal Requirements

This is another important point when you are thinking of moving abroad for education. You should be aware of the entire visa process and the legal requirements of the selected destination. Talking to anyone from the alumni community can be a great opportunity to discover the entire process. If you do not have any such option, you can consult with a solicitor, NRI consultant, or any student who has passed through these steps. He or she will help you discover any restrictions, challenges, or regulations for international students. Another crucial point is considering the timeframe for visa processing. Discover what steps will be involved and how long the verification will go on. It will help in managing precious time efficiently without any delays or challenges.

Financial Considerations

How much money you have in your account is also important. Your financial condition will help you manage your funds effectively. Inquire how much the total tuition cost is, including accommodation charges, travel expenses, insurance, and daily expenditures.

If the student finds it difficult to bear the entire education amount, they can explore fellowship programs, scholarship opportunities, financial aid, and part-time work opportunities to fulfill their financial requirements. For accurate analysis, draft a budget consisting of a realistic expenditure. Overall, you need to ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover your expenses without anyone’s help.

Health and Insurance

Health is wealth. Considering this fact, students should prioritize health and well-being. It can be assured by investing in health insurance. For this purpose, you must research the best healthcare facilities and insurance providers in your own country. Also, it should cover a pre-departure medical examination. If it is not so, you have to get it done from a medical practitioner. Keep your medicines and vaccines handy. To avoid any kind of medical condition, stay in contact with healthcare professionals. Keep their emergency contact numbers and resources.

Housing and accommodation

Accommodation can be a challenging situation if you forget or skip arranging it beforehand. However, a hostel or dorm facility might be there. It’s always good to make arrangements for where to live in advance. You can contact an experienced consultant to discover the cost, safety status, and amenities there. However, multiple options, like on-campus, rented or shared apartments, homestays, etc., can be accessible. But you need to discover how much money you can spend on it. Overall, it’s your budget that makes it clear.


Studying abroad can be challenging, provided you are not aware of multiple factors like accommodation, healthcare, budget, visa, and legal requirements. Besides, study abroad offers can be many. But you should wisely choose a degree that is recognized worldwide. It’s good if it provides an after-study work visa. Likewise, there may be multiple aspects that require your consideration and thorough research.


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