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Republicans, conservatives pounce on Gov. Evers $150 tax rebate plan

(The Center Square) – In 2018, when then-Gov. Scott Walker suggested a $100 tax refund for kids, Democrats in the state called it an “election year bribe.” On Thursday, when Gov. Tony Evers proposed a similar plan, Republicans returned the favor.

“To quote Democrat leader Gordon Hintz in 2018, ‘This is an election year bribe,’” Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said “‘The governor might as well save money on postage and just hand these checks out at polling places in November.”

Evers on Thursday proposed a $150 tax rebate for every man, woman, and child in the state.

“I know folks are still being stretched thin due to everyday costs going up,” Gov. Evers said in a statement. “My plan puts even more money in people’s pockets to help make ends meet.”

The governor also wants to invest another $750 million into public schools across the state.

Evers’ proposal came just days after Wisconsin’s Legislative Fiscal Bureau predicted a nearly $4 billion surplus at the end of the current state budget.

Conservative groups in the state on Thursday said the record surplus gives Wisconsin a bigger opportunity than $150 rebates.

“With a surplus like this, now is the time to discuss bold, long term tax reform that will help families and small employers while making our state the envy of the Midwest – like eliminating the personal income tax,” Chris Reader, executive vice president of the Institute for Reforming Government, said. “If Gov. Evers had his way, he’d be asking for more money from Wisconsinites with his deficit-creating budget last year.”

Evers proposed over $1 billion in new taxes and new spending in his budget proposal last year. That budget failed, and Republican lawmakers moved ahead with their spending plan.

“It’s ironic that Governor Evers is once again taking credit for the Legislature’s efforts to cut taxes and rein in spending, after he has proposed massive tax hikes and increases in government spending in both of his budgets,” State Director for Americans for Prosperity Wisconsin Eric Bott said. “Wisconsinites know Gov. Evers is a tax-and-spend politician, and won’t fall for this election year gimmick.”

Brett Healy, President of the MacIver Institute echoed that idea.

“While we believe it is better to return money to the taxpayers instead of letting it be spent by Madison bureaucrats,” Healy said. “This plan does not provide the lasting, meaningful tax relief that hardworking Wisconsinites deserve.”

Rebecca Kleefisch, one of the Republicans running for governor, took to Twitter on Thursday to predict the governor’s plan won’t get very far at the Capitol.

“Any proposal that does not include substantial tax reform, putting more officers on the streets, and a real plan to fix our education system should be a non-starter for Republicans. No more band aids,” Kleefisch said on Twitter.

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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